Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Science Definitions

     I believe Science is a way to experiment and test different theories to learn what works best in certain situations, and to discover several ways to solve those theories. While studying Science, the goal is to create new hypotheses and then gather information from the observations to find new answers. Science shows how life works, how the universe works, how the sun and the moon and the planets are aligned. This is all conducted through observations and experiments, allowing more and more undiscovered pieces of life to be better understood. My experience with Science has been both negative and positive. Negatively, Science has always been harder for me to get into, making the work seem harder than it really was and making the course drag on. However, in a positive outlook, I did find one area in Science that I enjoyed, which is astronomy. Everything about the planets and stars takes my breath away, reminding me that there are greater and more fascinating changes happening that are out of this world. 

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